Designed by Thomas Little and opened in 1855
Saving the chapelS
Over the past couple of years Brent Council has carried out emergency repairs to prevent the rain getting in, in the course of this the stonework was found to be extremely poor condition and a more extensive preservation plan required.
FoPOC has been working with Brent and London Historic Buildings Trust with the successful news that in March 2024 the Heritage Lottery and The Pilgrims Trust have awarded a £34k grant in order to carry out a 10 month consultation to explore a long term future for the chapels. This will allow Richard Griffiths Architects to carry out the necessary research on the condition and options for renovation. It will also allow consultation with the local community on the optimum future use for the chapels.
Protecting the wildlife
We have written a Biodiversity Management Plan encompassing long term tree planting, establishing of wildflower meadows, planting of bird friendly hedgerow and improved management of the space. This plan has been welcomed and adopted by Brent Council and we are in the process of putting it into action. We have recently raised concern over the tree management program and potential loss to some major trees. Brent has paused the work and the plan is currently under review.
Preserving the monuments
We have some important monuments, some very interesting people buried here and more than
200 Commonwealth first world war graves. We have set up a Heritage Trail - see the new signboard near to the gates. This allows an interactive walk with information on a selection of the more notable stories within the cemtery. Some structures are badly in need of repair and restoration - we are seeking to ensure their protection.