Biodiversity Management Plan

FOPOC has published a Biodiversity Management Plan for the long term protection of the Cemetery. This includes an analysis of tree planting and loss over recent years, and makes recommendations for works and planting to look after the POC landscape, birds and insects so that it is in good heart for the future.

Brent Council has accepted the recommendations in the report which is very good news. These will be phased over a number of years. The first phase will begin this Autumn, and will involve the following tasks which are designed to improve biodiversity in the cemetery:

·         Planting a bird and bee friendly hedgerow around the new burial mound

·         Thinning the self-seeded saplings to the south east corner of the cemetery and planting a more varied selection of trees and plants to reinforce the woodland area.

·         Extending the wild-flower meadow to cover both the central mounds at the south end